Application | Reporting
Save 90% of the time you spend on reporting
Benelizer® Cloud reporting automatically ensures that all relevant project participants and stakeholders at regular intervals provide their assessment of the criteria relevant to them. At the same time, they gain access to always updated information about the project.
The assessments are submitted by scale questions, or a date in a user-friendly reply APP and it only takes 1-2 minutes. The assessments are always about early detection of obstacles for the project and never to access the project manager.
As a project manager, it will be easy for you to submit your reports, and it is easy to get an overview of where you can best focus to increase progress and the likelihood of success.
With the update feature, you can easily inform all stakeholders about progress and any issues.
In the description of the project, you can upload documents and note any changes in scope. The automatic history ensures that scope changes are documented on a timeline. Often this is where you find the cause of delays and other problems.
If you have milestones or tasks for your project, you can also follow up on these automatically. Timelines are automatically updated based on the respondents' expected dates. However, you can also choose to use other tools for follow-up on tasks. E.g. Jira, kanban or